Friday, 26 August 2011

Finished the jacket!

I went back and frogged back to the waist shaping to add extra length, then re-knit up to the neck finishing. Just need to make a button loop at the waist and it's done. This isn't the best picture, but my internet use has been hampered by the demise of my laptop - hence I'm on an ancient PC that turns the pages very ponderously! Hope to be back up to speed shortly - when the computer shop says the shiny new laptop is ready!

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Project updates!

I realised it's been a few weeks since my last entry here - I wish I could say it's because I've been so engrossed in knitting...! (some of the tardiness is down to a spate of DIY and also 'movement' on the publishing front... !)

Anyway - here's the current state of play on some of my projects:

Sage long-line cardigan. Not sure I'm happy with the length - it's correct according to the pattern but doesn't match the proportions on the modelled item on the pattern. May rip it back to before the commencement of shaping and add a couple more inches (luckily, I bought extra yarn!)

'Ice Cream' scarf - my ongoing 'in-between' project.....grown a few inches since its last photographic outing!

Next project - all ready and rarin' to go!

Knitting has been interrupted by changing this:

....into this:

...interspersed with plenty of this:

I hope to get the Sage cardigan finished by the weekend - will post pics of the finished artical, but I have a writing deadline to meet (in five and a half hours!!!) so I'll have to abandon the knitting needles for a while....(sigh)