Friday, 14 October 2011

Knitting groups

Finally.....finally managed to make it back the Knitting Club I started going to earlier in the year. We meet twice a month at a local Adult Education centre and although there were informal 'meets' during the summer break I haven't managed to get back into the Autumn season until this week!

I was hastily casting-on something 'simple' last night so I'd have something to take with me today - although I have several WIP's they are a bit tricky and require a fair amount of concentration!

Recuperating daughter (after surgery) joined me and even though she was by far the youngest there she seemed to enjoy it! There was much praise for the slippers she was knitting (to her own design!) - I hope she'll be able to join us again before she's well enough to return to work.

It's lovely to see all the different projects on the 'go' - a variety of skill levels and always something new to learn and share.

.......and I learned that one of the 'leaders/organisers' has a online yarnstore website Knit'n'Caboodle - so I'm off to explore!