Saturday, 21 April 2012

In your dreams.....

If I won the lottery, I'd.......      How many day-dreams begin like that?

Well, my personal day-dream involves sheep - no, not counting them!

I'm fascinated by the whole cycle of 'growing' yarn (fleeces), 'harvesting' it (shearing), 'processing' it, (spinning) and finally 'utilising' it (knitting)! My daughter and I have this dream that would involve a small-holding and some rare-breeds sheep and producing some quality yarn.

Sounds fine in theory, but in practice I'm sure it wouldn't be that easy. After all, you need capital, first, to purchase land/stock. Then there will inevitably be vet's bills and shearing costs. On top of that, it would be necessary to learn the skills of spinning and all the other processes to turn dirty raw fleece into a usable product. Then comes marketing and advertising.....

Still, it would be nice to have a go - if we had the money!

Then again, we'd like to have a bookshop. Alas, with the mighty online stores threatening the income of established booksellers what chance would we have? Quaint little bookstores are disappearing fast enough as it is!


We often look at empty shops and imagine a combined venture of wool AND books. We even have the name ready - 'RIPPING YARNS'!

Oh well, when the oil runs out and society is plunged into the dark ages of no electricity and the internet dies, people will be seeking out those with the simple skills to create things from scratch - maybe a spinning course would come in useful then after all!
Testin, testing - playing with the new blogger interface and trying to work out how to do everything!