Tuesday, 25 September 2012

It's Autumn! Time to wrap up in wool!

It's been a while since I posted updates here, but I have been knitting quite a lot - really!

Now it's suddenly turned colder, I'm really feeling the benefit of knitting this bed-cover - even as it's being created! ;-p (yes, those are my toes poking out - have rediscovered all my snuggly hand-knitted socks after going barefooted through the summer!)

The cover is about a third of the way through,

 but although the idea was to use up some Sirdar Crofter yarn that was formerly a jacket that looked lovely (but not on me!) once I started this project I realised I'd have to buy more. I've started the last 50g I had and now I'm rationing my knitting as I wait for more to arrive (any day now, I hope!)

Another yarn 'adventure' still on the needles is the blue wave lace wrap:

I wonder when I will ever finish it..... it is much-travelled, having accompanied me up to Scotland on holiday a few months ago.

Plenty to keep me busy, then, but I've already decided on my next project:

I saw this  TILT jacket on Ravelry and fell in love at first sight! However, the original yarn, (Noro 'Silk Garden') makes it prohibitively expensive so I am substituting James C Brett's 'Monsoon', in shade 3:

Pays to shop around, sort of - my LYS stocks Monsoon at £4.99/100g but their online shop offers the same at £3.89! For the amount needed I qualified for free postage (it will have to travel all of about 6 miles!) Still, it keeps the postman in work, I suppose! Given the weather, I will no doubt be ripping open the package and knitting as soon as it arrives! Brrrr!
