Tuesday, 13 November 2012

For that smart dog-about-town...!

The dog-sweaters are done! 

In my previous posting I said I was trying to get some dog-sweaters done to help with the 'Hope' project - working with people living on the streets with their canine companions (see here ) - well, last night I finished the sixth one! I would have liked to have done more, but the deadline is in a few days and I had to allow time for them to be delivered. Still, there's always next year!

Although this 'Argyll'-patterned one is my favourite, it took a bit longer than I would have liked - and doing the front shaping whilst keeping the pattern correct is not something I should like to repeat in the near future!

Anyway - they'll be wrapped up tonight and in the post tomorrow - I hope the canine buddies they go to will appreciate the gesture! (and more importantly - I hope their human 'companions' will soon be able to find permanent accommodation and shelter out of the cold, wind and rain!)
