Saturday, 22 December 2012

Merry Christmas - time for hunkering down!

I realised it's been a few weeks since I posted here - mainly due to the demands of life in general and also the fact that I have been too busy knitting to have time for blogging! (Indeed - I actually have callouses forming where I hold my needles!)

The weather here in middle England is dreary, drab, damp and cold - we shall most probably be having a wet Christmas, not a white one. So, all the more reason to grab the needles and keep at it!

The mitred-square blanket is still in progress (see pic above) and is coming along nicely - I will have to order some more of the Crofter random-dyed wool to finish it though. I think it is going to look splendid when it's finished, here it is so far:

I've also been fascinated by trying out a patchwork 'log cabin' pattern, as shown over at where there is a very easy-to-follow tutorial. I hunted around in my scrap stash and came up with this:

I have sufficient yarn to make several patches which might make an interesting cushion cover; this gives an idea of how it might look:

I think I might edge them in black to make them stand out more. I certainly plan to do a full sized blanket with this method at some point in the future.

The 'Blue Wave Wrap' has been finished  (or rather, the two balls of yarn I purchased have been completely used up!) with just enough left to cast off!

It is very light but warm, ideal for staying snug when the weather is not quite cold enough to justify having the heating on.

Finally, for this post, some UK readers of a certain age may get all dewey-eyed and nostalgic - but look what I rediscovered when I looked in one of my blanket boxes the other day:

I found my complete 6-volume set of Golden Hands crafting magazines - circa late 1970's! The fashions are a sight to behold, but I think I'm going to enjoy looking through some of the old patterns (and maybe trying out a few!)

If all else fails, I suppose I could always try to flog them on E-bay - you never know, they might be worth something! ;-p

This is probably my last post here before the festivities start - so thank you to all who
have dropped in and left comment here at the Knitting Assassin; may I wish you all a 
Merry Christmas and a hope-filled New Year!

(I look forward to seeing what other bloggers received from Santa and the new projects planned for 2013!)