Never mind '....the stockings were hung by the chimney with care', how about: the socks were all pegged up - and not just ONE pair!
Phew! Just about done in time for Christmas, six (yes SIX!!) pairs of socks! That'll teach me to offer to make them at short notice!
I started on 25th November and finished the final pair on 20th December - and I think I shall have a wee break from sock knitting for a while! (although I do need to make a pair for a January birthday present.....)
After knitting in 4ply sock yarn for so long, using DK yarn feels like knitting with rope!! ;-)
Still, back to some of my other projects-in-waiting......a blanket, an experiment with knitting 'log-cabin patchwork'-style,.....and delving into my stash....bliss!
Happy Christmas, everyone - I wonder what projects YOU have in mind for 2015???