Sunday, 3 September 2017

Out of the basket and onto the couch!

Progress report on the previous post (In my basket this week....! ) - I finally finished the Apache Tears cushion: 

I just did corresponding stripes on the reverse:

It was an interesting pattern, but next time I use it, I'll leave the loose ends to make a fringe - you work the rows right to left without reversing the work so you have to keep cutting the yarn and restarting, which makes weaving in the ends a bit tiresome!

So now I'm back to an ongoing project - hats and scarves for some of our local homeless projects.
I've had a basket of yarn by my chair all year and in between other items (like the cushion, above)
I'm knitting hats and scarves using up oddments (and donations!) of yarn.

The current total stands at 13 scarves and 22 hats - that's some of them, pictured above. 
(I need to filch a few out for a friend to sell at a table-top sale next week to raise funds to help a local group: an elderly acquaintance of hers has set up his garden allotment to encourage young people with learning difficulties learn about horticulture - he provides tools, seeds and expertise and then gives them a section to work on. He even prints out a little 'certificate' to hand each of them at the end of the season! However, their transport funding has been withdrawn, so we want to raise money to offset this.)
Hopefully, I can 'replace' the items before the December deadline for our homeless shelter project!

Thursday, 17 August 2017

In my basket this week.....!

It's been a while - 'life' got in the way of blogging, but I have been doing a LOT of knitting and crochet!

In a bid to get some structure into the haphazard jumble of events that my life currently consists of, I've decided to try doing a blog post once a week, primarily to 'log' progress on various projects, as much as to get me back into the swing of regular blogging!

So, this week,  I finished:

A shawl - an excuse to use up scraps of similar colours

A hat and scarf (to add to the pile I'm accumulating for the Winter Shelter with a local Homeless project)

WIPs include:

Another scarf for the Homeless project - excellent TV-knitting as it's all Garter stitch and knit lengthwise (220 sts per row!) so you get nice stripes!

Trying out the 'Apache Tears' crochet stitch - quite pleased with it so far. Probably make it into a cushion cover.

 Now my challenge is to post again next week with a progress report! :-)