Sunday, 25 March 2012

WIP catch-up!

Finally completed the 'squares' blanket! Well, it's sort of finished - may add a border later.....

Loving the ease of construction with this mitred-square technique, so I'm well under way with a charity blanket in shades of green:

Also, on the second attempt with the lace jacket in 4ply - I aborted the first one in favour of a simpler plain long waistcoat. However, that turned out way too big - after I realised I'd been following the wrong size instructions! So, it's back to plan 'A' and it seems to be working out much better, although I have to concentrate too much to allow watching TV or other distractions.

....and while I'm here, this is how my 'New England' blanket turned out! (not sure if I ever got around to showing it off....!)

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Blanket coverage....

.....I'm still chugging away with the latest blanket design! The end is in sight, though - just starting the final quarter!

As it's currently 4'x4' I think it will maybe need a few external rows to increase the overall size. Still not sure whether to do rows of black squares all the way round the edge or replicate the centre 'square' like a frieze instead...... decisions, decisions!

However, I am truly a convert to this form of knitting and I have already mind-mapped other colour combinations to create some blankets for charity in the future.