Saturday, 16 July 2011

Knitting Loot !!

On a short break to Truro, I ventured into a shop called 'Truro Fabrics' recommended by other Ravelry knitters.

On the upper floor there was a good selection of yarns for me to drool over and plenty of other little knitting related goodies - so this is a picture of the 'treasure' I picked up! (and I was pretty restrained, I can tell you!)

So: two patterns; 2x50g balls of Sirdar Crofter DK in muted natural tones (have used this in a different colour-way and it's delightful to knit with!); 100g ball Wendy 'Happy' 4ply Bamboo/nylon (used this before - so silky!); 2.75mm circular needle; set of 2.75mm bamboo dpns and, finally, a size 4mm Tunisian Crochet hook!

I tried TC ages ago and was fascinated with it, although I had to improvise by using an ordinary crochet hook, so I could only do a small swatch. At the time (over 25 years ago) I found it impossible to find TC hooks - I remember walking into yarn shops and meeting blank looks when I made my request!

I'm afraid you'll have to wait to see what I produce from this, although the short-sleeved cardigan pattern (pink) has me wondering if I should frog out the navy 4ply jacket I started last week.......!

Also - I picked up a copy of 'Simply Knitting' magazine as I was strolling round Truro this afternoon and came across the mention of an excellent blog - well worth a visit! (anyone who mixes knitting and books is a must, as far as I'm concerned!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking to my blog :)
    I didn't know I had been mentioned in Simply Knitting! Which number of the magazine was it?? I have to see it myself ;)
